There is a great need for God in the world today due to the numerous problems that plague humanity. From wars and conflicts to poverty and disease, it is clear that something is seriously wrong with our world. It is impossible to deny that we need a higher power to help us through these trying times.
God has been a source of hope and guidance throughout history. He has been the source of comfort for those in need, and His presence has been a source of strength for those facing difficult situations. God’s love and mercy gives us an opportunity to be part of something bigger than ourselves. He provides us with a sense of purpose, and gives us the hope of a better future.
God is also a source of justice. He is the ultimate judge, and He will bring justice to those who commit wrongs. His justice is impartial and rooted in love. He also gives us the opportunity to make things right, and to become better people through His grace and mercy.
Finally, God is the source of love and compassion. He cares deeply for the suffering of humanity, and is willing to provide comfort and support to those in need. He is always there to lend a hand and provide guidance. He is our refuge in times of difficulty and despair.
No matter what our situation may be, God is there to provide us with the strength and courage we need to make it through. He is the ultimate source of hope and guidance, and His presence is necessary for us to heal and move forward as a society. We need God now more than ever.
Bible, New International Version (NIV).
Bostrom, M. (2020). Why We Need God Now More Than Ever. Retrieved from https://www.christianitytoday.com/women/2020/july/why-we-need-god-more-than-ever.html
Hafiz, R. (2020). Why We Need God Now More Than Ever. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-inner-life/202007/why-we-need-god-now-more-ever